How Custom Metal Fabrication Benefits the Mining Industry

The mining industry uses a wide range of equipment, from conveyors to elevator lifts. These heavy types of machinery usually require the strength, flexibility and affordability that only steel can provide. Here are some of the services that steel fabrication provides to the mining industry.

Handrails and Stairs

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that some places, especially industrial settings, have safety equipment such as stairs and railings. These are frequently required in coal mining for both safety and regulatory reasons.

A mining corporation will install fabricated stairs at entry locations to allow workers and other individuals to enter and exit underground regions safely and easily. Some projects require the installation of permanent steps, but others might benefit from temporary stairs. In every case, if there are stairs, railings are installed as well.

Belt Conveyors

Mining companies need a seamless method to transport coal in and out of their facilities. Conveyor belts and pulley systems simplify mining procedures and expedite workflows, even in the tiniest spaces. Conveyor belt quality ensures the whole system’s durability and functionality.

Metal conveyors may be designed to be used at any stage of the mining process, from the pit face to transportation and processing. Conveyor belts are designed to withstand the significant impact of ripping and tearing during the first phases of mining production.


After going through the ore pass, the ore is transferred into skips for convenient transport out of the mine. Skips are often made of stainless steel or aluminium. Ground-level rail car skips are available, as well as skips that utilise a vertical shaft and pulley system to raise ore from the mine’s bottom to the surface. The most common skip is a bottom dump model, a lightweight yet sturdy alternative for transporting medium to enormous loads.

Chutes, bins, dump beds, trusses, gore sections, coal breaker hoods, and fan blade liners are other components that may be fabricated for the mining industry. While this is not an exhaustive list, the use of steel in constructing these things provides them with the same prolonged life span, strength, and durability required by the industry’s rigorous standards.

Other Mining Applications

Steel can now be made with higher efficiency and accuracy than ever before, thanks to computer-aided design technology, which means it can be used for innovative mining equipment that requires a high amount of precision. Here are a few examples:

Vehicles and machinery: These include bulldozers, crushers, excavators, drill rigs, front end loaders, surface feeder-breakers, track loaders, trucks, graders, and many more items.

Tools: Steel is a vital material for fabricating tools such as shovels, grinding equipment, demolition equipment, handheld devices and machinery-installed devices.

Infrastructure: Tanks, pipelines, vessels, boilers, screens, staircases, railings, elevators, mining cages, conveyor belts, and even basic workplace necessities like workbenches and doors are part of the infrastructure.

Equipment: High-strength plates, pumps, screens, filters, augers, blades, hammers, rippers, and other equipment.


Aside from the fact that metal fabrication would not have started in Western Australia without the mining sector, the two presently co-exist in mutual dependence. Mining for iron ore is impossible without steel tools and equipment, and steel tools and equipment cannot be manufactured on a large scale without the mining sector’s demand.

CSM Fabrication Welding is a team of metal fabricators providing quality fabricating and welding works for any fabrication needs. If you are looking for sheet metal fabricators in Perth for high-quality fabrication solutions, work with us today!

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